
Club by-Laws



TRIUMPH Sports Car Club of San Diego

Approved:  November 4, 2023

Article I Name and Location

Section 1 The name of this Club shall be the TRIUMPH SPORTS CAR CLUB OF SAN DIEGO.

Section 2 The Mailing address of this Club shall be designated by the Executive Board.

Article II Purpose and Objective

Section 1 To stimulate and promote interest and safety in Triumph sports car motoring. 

To encourage social interaction among Triumph owners. 

To further an individual's knowledge, interest and preservation of the Triumph marque.

Article III Meetings

Section 1 All regular meetings of this Club shall be held at a place decided by the Executive board. 

Section 2 The regular business meeting of this Club shall be held monthly, the date, time and place as designated by the Executive Board. If that day is a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held at the time and place designated at the previous meeting.

Section 3 Special meetings of the members, for any purpose whatsoever, may be called to order at any time by the President or shall be called upon the request of ten (10) or more members. The purpose of a special meeting must be stated in a notification to all members and no other subject may be discussed at that special meeting.

Section 4 A quorum for a business meeting shall be ten (10) members.

Section 5 A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for an Executive Board meeting.

Article IV Membership

Section 1 Any person who is the owner of a Triumph motor car, or Triumph derivative motor car, or is interested in Triumph cars shall be eligible for Regular membership.

Section 2 Charter members shall be those members in good standing at the time of the adoption of the original bylaws.

Section 3 Members shall be those persons who have currently paid dues and are in good standing in accordance with these Bylaws.

Section 3A A Member may include his/her significant other or any non-Triumph owning person as a Co-member. Co-members shall have all the rights and responsibilities of Members. 

Section 4 Life members shall be those members whom the Club may wish to honor because of outstanding service to the Club.  Life members shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by a majority vote of the members present at a business meeting. Life members shall have all membership privileges and be exempt from paying dues.

Section 5 A second Life member category shall be established for those members in good standing      who wish to endow the club by paying dues ten (10) years in advance. Upon payment of advance dues, the member achieves all privileges of a life member.

Section 6 Honorary members shall be those whom the Club may wish to honor for some special service to the Club or the marque. They shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved for honorary membership by a majority vote of the members present at a business meeting. Honorary members shall have all the rights and privileges of regular members during their lifetime, except they may not vote or hold elective office and shall be exempt from paying dues.

Section 7 Associate members: This section was withdrawn.

Section 8 All members of the Club shall be bound by the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and other rules and or regulations adopted by the Club.

Section 9 Members who for any reason cease to be members of this Club shall have no claim upon this Club, its properties, or its funds.

Section 10 Student Memberships are available to persons under 22 years of age.  The annual membership fee for Student memberships will be set by the Executive Board. 

Article V Dues and Fees

Section 1 Dues shall be payable to the Treasurer in the amount specified herein and are due on the first day of January of each year.

Section 1A The annual membership fee shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 2 Regular memberships may be either Single, or when a Co Membership is requested Dual.  The annual membership fee for Single and Dual memberships shall be the same. Dues for new members joining after the first day of July shall be one half of the yearly rate. New members joining after the first day of November and paying full yearly dues will be given credit for the next year’s dues.

Section 3 Associate members: This section was withdrawn. 

Section 4 Membership shall be terminated automatically for failure to pay annual dues by the March business meeting.

Section 5 Any member who has been dropped from the rolls of this Club for delinquent dues and or fees shall, upon application for reinstatement, be required to pay a reinstatement fee of five dollars ($5.00) in addition to dues as specified in Section 1A of this Article.

Section 6 All dues and fees specified in this Article are non-refundable.

Article VI Officers and Appointed Positions

Section 1 The elected officers of this Club shall be: President; Vice-President; Secretary; and Treasurer. The appointed positions shall be: Activities Director, Membership Secretary, Newsletter Editor. Webmaster, Regalia Manager, and Triumphest Director. 

Section 2 The President shall preside at all Business, Special, and Board meetings and shall appoint such committees as may be necessary to carry out special business of the Club.

Section 3 The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

Section 4 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Business, Special and Board meetings, handle all correspondence and keep records pertaining to the business of the Club.

Section 5 The Treasurer shall handle all financial transactions of the Club, report on the finances of the Club at each Business and Board meeting and shall submit the Club's books to a committee for an audit when requested.

Section 6 The Activities Director shall schedule all Club events and appoint such committee persons as are necessary to stage such events.

Section 7 The Membership Secretary shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall maintain the membership records of the Club and provide new members with the appropriate club materials. Prior to the beginning of a new year the Secretary shall deliver to all members a letter requesting payment of next year’s dues (where appropriate) and any updates required to the member’s particulars held by the Secretary.

Section 8 The Sergeant at Arms: This section has been withdrawn.

Section 9 The Triumphest Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall lead the efforts related to the periodic Triumphest events in advance, during, and closeout.

Section 10 The Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall be responsible for collecting meeting minutes, club announcements and articles to be published in the monthly club newsletter.  Newsletters are to be distributed via email, except for some to be distributed via US Mail for members who pay the requisite fee set by the Executive Board.  

Section 11 The Webmaster shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall be responsible for maintaining the club’s website(s).

Section 12 The Regalia Manager shall be appointed by the Executive Board and shall be responsible for obtaining regalia items for sale to club members.  

Article VII Election of Officers

Section 1 Any member who wishes to be considered as a candidate for an officer of the club shall submit is name to the President before the Business meeting in November of each year. 

Section 2 At the Business meeting in December of each year nominations for club officers may be made from the floor. If there is more than one nominee for any office, then a secret ballot will be held for that position and the nominees are eligible to vote.  If there is only one nominee for any office the nominee will deemed to be elected. 

Section 3 If a ballot is necessary each office shall be voted upon in a separate ballot in the order in which they are listed in Section 1 of Article VI, and the results shall be made known to the members before proceeding with the election of the next office.

Section 4 The candidate receiving the highest number of votes cast for the office shall be elected.

Section 5 The new officers shall assume their responsibilities effective January 1 of the New Year.

Section 6 The Secretary shall prepare the ballots. The President shall appoint a committee of three members in good standing as tellers. The Chairperson of this committee shall destroy the ballots thirty (30) days after the election.

Section 7 Any vacancy of an office, except that of the President, shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board, subject to approval of the membership.

Section 8. Term limits are one calendar year. If, at time of nomination, the incumbent (or incumbents) is/are willing to serve an additional year, re-nominations and elections may be foregone providing:  The members present at the election meeting approve by a two thirds majority. The results will be posted in the January Newsletter. 

Article VIII Executive Board

Section 1 The governance of this Club shall be vested in an Executive Board comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Activities Director, the immediate Past-President, and eight (8) At-Large Board Members.

Section 2 The Executive Board shall have the authority to conduct the business and manage the finances of this Club and be responsible for control of Club property in accordance with these bylaws.

Section 3 The Executive Board shall meet at least once each month at a time and place designated by the Board, such time and place of said meeting shall be made known at the Club business meetings. These board meetings shall be open to any Club member, although they may not vote. 

Section 4 The At-Large Board Members will be selected for a one-year term.

Article IX Conduct

Section 1 Any member whose conduct shall be determined by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any regular business meeting to have been detrimental to the interest and welfare of the Club shall forfeit his or her membership. Such individual may reapply for membership after a period of one year.

Article X Disposition of Finances

Section 1 All dues, revenue, and fees collected by the Club shall be disbursed for the expenses of the Club.

Section 2 At no time shall any officer or member of this Club receive any payment for his or her services.

Section 3 The Club shall be required to maintain a bank checking account and all monies received and disbursements made on behalf of this Club shall be through this checking account. Disbursements of less than twenty dollars ($20.00) may be made from the petty cash fund. A petty cash fund of two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall be established, payouts of less than twenty dollars ($20.00) may be paid if receipts are given.

Section 4 All checks written against this Club's bank account shall be signed by the Treasurer.

Section 5 The Executive Board shall approve and be responsible for all expenses for the membership and normal operating expenses. Other expenses shall be made by a two-thirds majority of all members.

Article XI Amendments

Section 1 These Bylaws may be replaced or amended, or new Bylaws adopted at any business meeting or special meetings of this Club by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present, provided a written notice of change has been distributed to the members fourteen  (14) days prior to the final vote.

Section 2 All additions, deletions, or revisions to the bylaws shall be posted on the Club’s website.

Section 3 A copy of these Bylaws are to be made available to all members. The Bylaws will be examined by the Executive Board at least every five years to determine their effectiveness and need for any revisions. If revisions are needed the Executive Board and any club members selected by the President will form the committee to revise the Bylaws.

Article XIII Parliamentary Law

Section 1 "Roberts Rules of Order, Revised" shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws.

Date of Bylaws revision: December 2023

Date revised Bylaws were agreed to at a business or special meeting: November 4, 2023